Modification Suzuki Satria Fu Jogjakarta,Sweet Cool

Following the usual trend modiflover Yogyakarta VIP Custom gathered in the workshop, Wildfire Fendher any follow-up to play sweet elegance in the usual Suzuki Satria FU invited the road daily.
"Therefore, since the motor for daily use fairly simple modifications wrote, which is important to attract the attention of girls," pretext Wildut bersapaan this guy. As a result tend to modification aseso doi simple device but still can act.

As the front legs just tucked doi drum and disc variations at the same time Ninja. Towards the hind legs, pretty standard manufacturer only. To camouflage his labur doi per monosok with stylish white color that seemed to variation.

while the body is more comfortable with the color red candy.

"Cat I pake Lesonal to be overwritten with Sikkens clear series of MS," said DOI. For its elegant element must be obtained with a layer of chrome on all sectors of the legs to detail as in the second disc calipers front and rear. | DNR

SPEK Modification
DPN Discs: Ninja, rims DPN / BLK: TDR 17 ", BAN DPN: Swallow 60/80-17, BAN BLK: 60/80-17 Comet, CAT: Lesonal, CLEAR: Sikkens MS, modifier: VIP Custom. Argomulyo, Sedayu, Bantul, Yogyakarta.

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