11 Ethics motor home from police...

bike users often complained because no discipline in driving. Main serobot, up to the sidewalk, or take the path of another vehicle at will. Pemotor therefore important to know tips and ethics of driving on the road together.

Commissioner Sugeng Budiono, police officers on duty at the Jakarta Police Ditlantas, share some tips and ethics for pemotor.

"Ethics have to drive it. Goal is to honor, respect and maintain the safety of others," wrote Sugeng facebook page Jakarta Police on Friday (20/07/2012).

Here ethics and tips delivered Sugeng:
1. Ensure the physical and mental condition of a healthy, warm up before heading to the destination.

2. Make sure the motorcycle to be used is really ready for the journey, from the readiness condition of the vehicle engine, tires, brakes, clutch, oil, gas handles, headlights, brake lights, signs, chains, spark plugs, fuel and letters (driver's license and vehicle registration).

3. Use a full face helmet or helmet standard (SNI) for both the driver and passenger. Wear sunglasses with UV (Ultra Violet) protection during the day so as not to glare and eye more clear.

4. Regarding the possibility of changing weather, motorists should prepare a jacket, boots, body protectors, gloves, goggles and raincoat.

5. For women pillion, but should not have to sit sideways facing forward.

6. To make sure the traffic is safe to cross, then cross.

7. Traveling at speeds of no more than 60km/jam, do not walk zig-zag, especially if a lift children or parents.

8. Do not carry loads that exceed the provisions of (more than 2 people).

9. Obey traffic signs along the route and road ethics.

10. Turn on the headlights during the day and use the far left lane.

11. It is no less important is to pray for the salvation of God Almighty, before beginning the trip.

"We never knew and never want to hurt, but that could be prevented or why not? Discipline was not confined to traffic police officers, but belongs to us all to be saved to the destination

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